
urban landing?

As society moves into an era of increased individualized flight, businesses will be able to accommodate by offering "Aerial Drop-off/Pick-up Landing Zones" at ground level for Aerial vehicles that meet S.A.F.E guidelines.

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primary infrastructure...

With Waldencraft autopilot, your home Aerial Landing Port is the main infrastructure you will need. "Aerial Drop-off/Pick-up Landing Zones" will be easily definable allowing air cars that meet S.A.F.E. guidlines to land in temporary zones right outside businesses, event centers & recreational areas.

waldencraft depot!

A Waldencraft Depot will be our first line of defense in providing top notch service to our clients. Waldencraft's planned infrastructure includes strategically located hubs for aerial anywhere assistance enabled by Satellite technology, which will be located near high-traffic and popular destinations that serve as a last stop when venturing out to load up on supplies & as a service depot for routine maintenance between.